A while back we had a virus on the computer. I managed to remove it following instructions I found by googling it but ever since then, my Internet is forever shutting itself down and I get the error message 'Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close'. It doesn't matter what browser I use - Mozilla Firefox has exactly the same problem. I have tried running Spybot and getting rid of everything it found but nothing's working! Can anyone help?
Why is my Internet always shutting down??nintendo ds browser
You may still have a virus on your computer.
You can either try a system restore by going to Safe mode
%26gt;restart computer
%26gt;tap F8 until the safe mode menu comes up
%26gt;Select safe mode
%26gt;Log on to windows.
%26gt;When it asks click "No" and i will show you the system restore option.
%26gt;Select a restore point before that virus.
alternatively you may try using other antivirus software.
assuming you either have a comercial one like norton or a free one like AVG you can try Avira or Avast
If you still cant find anything you can try using Hijack This and post a log on their website analyser to see if anything else is the cause
Hijack This:
the only other option would be to Re-install windows. You will need your windows CD and KEY/license number
I hope that helps
*Advice. Don't buy software unless you really want to, as usually there are many free alternatives that are equally as good.
Why is my Internet always shutting down??windows 98 internet explorer
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Buy Bullguard, run a full system scan and you should be fine. I use Bullguard and it rocks, the best firewall and anti-virus you can get, online help too.
Oh and if you have not, upgrade to XP service pack 2 and install every update, will take a while but you will see the benefits.
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